
Success: What Does it Take?

From Richard St. John's story, we can learn that "success isn't a one-way street, but a continuous  journey." He thought that success was one-way street, and he stopped trying hard when he reach success. Then, he failed. He learned that the important thing is not only how he achieves success, but how he sustains it. I was impressed by his story because I had an experience like his. When I was a high school student, I studied hard to pass the entrance exam of KGU, and I passed! My English skills clearly improved then, however, I thought, "I'm good enough", like him. And I stopped studying, and finally, my TOEFL score got worse. Then I realized like him, the important thing is to keep trying hard. Now, I'm studying for TOEFL test. Now I know what is important for success. I'll try hard, and I want to achieve success again.

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