
Assignment #9: How's it Going?

I'm satisfied with my I university life at KGU. Before I entered KGU, I wanted to have a good time with my friend, and also study hard. My life is like that now. As I heard before I came here, I have to do a lot of homeworks and SIS is really "kakokusai". I have written four reports, and yesterday I wrote one of them. Although homeworkers are really hard, I can feel the sence of accomplishment. I think the harder they are, the more sence of it I can feel. And it's stronger when I try hard with my friends. The days I have to take exams are coming. I'm going to try hard with my friends.


Assignment #8: Maturity and Adulthood

I don't feel I am an adult. I feel like I am about fifteen years old. I can't believe that I am eighteen years old now. What is surpurising is that, I can marry! I can't believe. I think university students are not adult. They are childish. Of course there are grown-up students, but I think almost all students are not grown-up. Most of the students pay for the school expenses with their parents' money, and there are also many students who don't have their part-time jobs. Besides the problems about money, I think there are the other problems to consider university students to be adults. Some students often skip classes and don't study well. I think university students should be more responsibly.


Assignment #7: Regret

When I was in the first or second grade in my elementary school, I went to dance school. I love Japanese idle groups named "morning-musume" and "mini-moni" then, and the dance school said that "Let's dance like mini-moni!" That's why I started to go to the dance school haha. When I was in the third grade, I had to move to Hiroshima because of my father's work. Then I've been to the dance school for only one or two years, and I wanted to keep going. But I was afraid to go to the new one. So I ended up dancing. When I was in the junior high school and high school, I did same thing. I was afraid. But I always wanted to start to go to dance school. Now, I'm not what I used to be. I belong to a dance circle! Because of my really short dancing experience, I can't dance well. But I'll try hard and victry to my regret.


Assignment #6: JapanToday.com

I read the article about "Tokyo's 2020 Olympic". It says that Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be a symbol of Japan's recovery from the earthquake and tunami that happened last year, and Japanese Olympic Committee President and 2020 bid leader Tsunekazu Takeda also appealed to stage the Olympics in 2020 in Tokyo. I agree with the ideas that they have. I think we can appeal Japan's recovery and safety. After the earthquake and the accident at a nuclear power plant, foreign people thought that whole Japan was exposed to radiation, and some events that was supposed to held in Japan were called off. Even now, some foreign people think so. So, staging Olympics in Tokyo will be the best chance to appeal the safety of Japan to the world. And I think Japan's recovery will encourage people all over the world, too.